Donations to St George’s Gt Bromley Repair Fund

Since 2010 the St George’s Gt Bromley Repair Fund has been working to repair our Grade I listed church.

The cost of maintaining and repairing a mediaeval building is high and so donations are always very welcome, small or large!   Here is the page giving details of our completed projects, which have been supported by generous donations.

(If you would like to make a donation to the St George's General Fund, here is the link.)

     1  Giving button (coming soon)

     2  Bank transfer (BACS) to St George's Gt Bromley Repair Fund:

  • CAF Bank 
  • sort code: 40-52-40 
  • account number: 00082654 (See below for international donations.)

     3  Cheques (made payable to St George’s Gt Bromley Repair Fund) can be posted to one of the churchwardens:

  • Mrs Jenny Nicholls, Fryerning, Hall Road, Great Bromley CO7 7TS.

     Cheques/checks from the USA see the section below the gift aid form.

If you would like to make a donation from the USA or other non UK account, here are the details you need:

Address: St George's Church, Hall Road, Great Bromley, Essex, CO7 7TS, UK

from the USA

  • SWIFT code:  CAFBGB21 
  • Sort code:  40-52-40
  • Account number:   00082654
  • Account name:   St George’s Gt Bromley Repair Fund

Or if you would like to pay from the USA by cheque or check...

Donations made to St George's Great Bromley Repair Fund, from the US, can be made through The Society for the Preservation of Ancient Churches (SPAC), a 501c3 organization. Donations are tax deductible. The full amount goes directly to St George's Church. A receipt will be mailed. Please send checks, payable to SPAC, to Society for the Preservation of Ancient Churches, 3331 Reservoir Road, N.W., Washington, DC 20007.

from other international accounts

  • IBAN: GB87CAFB40524000082654
  • Account name:  St George’s Gt Bromley Repair Fund

For more detail on what has already been achieved, please look at updates about various recent repair projects (link near the top of this page).

Thank you to all those who helped organise fund-raising events, made donations, applied for grants, and those who helped practically with repairs and maintenance over recent years. The Repair Fund raised £14,000 towards the works and we received generous grants from:

  • English Heritage (HLF)
  • GCG Environment Trust
  • National Churches Trust
  • Garfield Weston Foundation 
  • Essex Heritage Trust
  • Friends of Essex Churches Trust
  • Allchurches Trust
  • The Veneziana Fund.

We also thank our Stone family friends in the United States who have generously supported us with their donations.