Services & Events

St George's, Great Bromley, & St Mary's, Little Bromley, are open daily.


midweek fellowship poster

YouTube St George’s Church, Great Bromley YouTube Channel

If you can't get to church, you can join our community of prayer on Sundays at our usual service time of 10.30am, using this simple prayer card: St George's Together Time

You can send prayer requests to church [at] (subject: Prayer%20Request%20to%20St%20George%E2%80%99s) or phone a churchwarden.

Online services are available from Chelmsford Cathedral - Daily Prayer every day on Facebook at 7.45am and 5.15pm. On Sundays, the clergy lead a Eucharist service from the cathedral, starting at 10.30am and live streamed to their Facebook page. Here is the link:

Chelmsford Cathedral on Facebook

On-line prayer, services, support and information

(please let us know if printed materials are needed for those not online).

Chelmsford Diocese has resources for prayer and worship at home.
Services streaming
live daily from Chelmsford Cathedral on facebook and youtube

Spiritual Communion Service to pray at home. You can light a candle, play some music or hymns, and use pictures from books or the internet to help your time of prayer.

    Worship with the Book of Common Prayer

    the PBS website has links to online services and resources.

Telephone resource launched by the Archbishop of Canterbury - please share this number with people who aren’t online. (at the prompt press 3 for prayers).

Sunday readings

Select Common Worship Lectionary for Year C (2021-2022). The date is in left hand column. Click on psalm or readings to access the reading.

Daily Prayer

Morning Prayer (Matins) and Evening Prayer (Evensong), and two short services: Prayer during the Day, and Night Prayer (Compline) C of E Daily Prayer

The screen opens in ‘contemporary’ (Common Worship) version, or you can click on ‘more options’ to select ’traditional’ (Book of Common Prayer).
It’s easy to use in the app - at the bottom of that web page you can download the app by choosing either Apple or Google depending on your device.

Podcast sermons from the Chelmsford Diocese

Ely sermons 'No preacher, no problem’

Choral Evensong

Radio 3 evensong on Wednesday 3.30pm and Sunday 3pm.
You can listen at any time on BBC Sounds to a selection of archive services