Great Bromley history & genealogy

Please get in contact if you have any enquiries, or are interested, or can help with any information to do with Great (and Little) Bromley; we would be very glad to put up details on these page if you so wish.

War Memorial

We have pages to remember the people who gave their lives and are remembered on our War Memorial. Click here for details. We always welcome new information and pictures - contact Hugh Frostick as below.

Stone family (USA connection)

stone book Please refer to the Stone Family pages under the Church section.

There is a volume by Joseph Gardner Bartlett which documents the Stone lineage that may be of interest:

Alston Family

See this page.

All other enquiries

For all other enquiries contact:

Dr Hugh Frostick - email: hugh [at]
Tel: 07722 253962 (International +44 7722 253962)

Useful links:

Helen Barrell's Birth, Marriage and Burial transcriptions