Fun Day June 2009

The Great Bromley Fun Day 2009, held on 13th June, was organised in response to the Village Appraisal conducted by the Parish Council in 2007 in which villagers had indicated that they would like to see something in the village that would bring people together. The response on the day, which was held in conjunction with the Hamilton Lodge Fete, was truly excellent with attendance exceeding expectations.

It is worth recording here that a number of stallholders from outside the village commented on how genuinely pleasant and friendly everybody was - young and old - and this is something of which the village should be justifiably proud.

Proceeds from the day were shared between local organisations taking part, the Village Hall and the Church Fabric Fund.

The Chairman would like to thank all who helped make the day a success and in particular the organising committee whose efforts often went above and beyond the call of duty.

Neil Skinner

Some pictures from the Fun Day taken by Jenny Nicholls:

Saturday, 13 June 2009